National Event romania

The national multiplier and capacity-building event took place on May 27, 2024, with the objective of promoting and disseminating the learning platform developed within the project and the Consultation Centers.

The event followed the agenda presenting the project results. An expert presented the research report, the Consultation Centers, the informational materials available in Romanian, and the self-learning program.

The dissemination of the project results provided a setting to discuss participants’ views on how workers are involved in the process of information and consultation in their workplaces.

A brainstorming session was conducted, generating recommendations for improving worker involvement in addressing the impact of COVID-19 and other workplace transformations, including changes in work forms like remote work.

The event concluded with a Q&A session. Questions focused on the provisions of new legislation regarding social dialogue in Romania, the right to participation in the Administrative Boards of companies, and the newly adopted European directives such as the directive on adequate minimum wages and its transposition into Romanian law.