National Event Germany

The National Multiplier Event in Germany was moderated by Mykhailo Sukhonosov. The agenda began with a welcome and introduction of the project team, followed by a presentation of the project itself. This was succeeded by a presentation of research findings and expert recommendations for improving the mechanisms for informing, consulting, and involving employees in companies affected by COVID-19. The promotion of the online self-learning platform,, was also highlighted. Participants then engaged in group work in break-out rooms, where they shared personal experiences on how employees in companies are coping with the impacts of COVID-19.

After a short break, the event continued with a joint discussion, during which experts provided recommendations for improving participation in COVID-19 measures and changes in work practices. The consultation center,, was promoted as well. The event concluded with final comments, a Q&A session, and an opportunity for participants to exchange contact information before the end of the event.